Lowongan Kerja UPL September 2022

Halo Befseeker! Selamat berjuang untuk mencari kerja dan merubah nasib. Pada kesempatan kali ini, Befwork menyajikan informasi lowongan kerja wilayah Jawa Tengah dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

  • SALES 
a. Focus on Creating and updating the "collect" order from R1 and R1 Exclusive in area of responsibility.
b. Focus on implement, monitor and report on the entire trade promotion in R1 and R-2 levels

c. Monitor the progress of sales across R1 and R-2 in territory of responsibility
  • PROMOTION a. Create a detail field promotional activities in accordance with SOP and market potentialarea of responsibility which is the implementation of the "grand design" Area/Region
b. Carry out the entire field promotional activities that have been approved well and precise

c. Lead SP (Sales Promoters) to carry out the promotion of appropriate action plan that has been made and in accordance with SOP
  • COORDINATION a. Led all promotional activities in the area of its responsibility
b. Lead the entire field promoter in the area of responsibility
  • SUPERVISION a. Do supervision all over the promotional activities in the territory of its responsibility
b. Do supervision to entire field promoter in the area of responsibility
  • REPORTING a. Create monthly reports and actual travel plans
b. Make expenses report and advance settlement

c. Make timely reports of the promotion activities

We are all about connecting with people, in a human way – showing respect, demonstrating trust, celebrating diversity. For us technology is an enabler, not the endgame. We see the value in human connectivity and how it creates new opportunities for everyone. With this, comes our promise to protect people’s safety in every way we can.


  • Harap selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala bentuk tindak penipuan.
  • Selalu hindari lowongan kerja yang memungut biaya saat proses rekrutmen, karena sejatinya mencari kerja adalah upaya untuk mencari dan mendapatkan upah, bukan untuk dipunguti upah.
  • Befwork selalu berusaha membantu untuk memilah dan memfilter informasi lowongan kerja yang dipublikasi. Tetapi, alangkah baiknya apabila diimbangi oleh wawasan yang lebih baik juga dari para Befseeker.

2023. All rights reserved.