Lowongan Kerja PT AZlogistik Dot Com September 2022

Halo Befseeker! Selamat berjuang untuk mencari kerja dan merubah nasib. Pada kesempatan kali ini, Befwork menyajikan informasi lowongan kerja wilayah Jawa Timur dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/IT or Computer Science/Business or Business Administration/Management Have 1-2 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position Strong written and verbal communication skills Capacity to manage high-stress situations Ability to multi-task and manage various project elements simultaneously Have good leadership skills and conflict resolution skills Have a big picture thinking and vision Sharp attention to detail

Responsibilities: Leading ongoing projects Become a communication bridge for the team with related parties needed to be able to complete the project Responsible for ensuring the project runs according to the timeline and goals (requirements) Find out the constraints and obstacles in the project and solve project-related problems that have the potential to hinder the project Monitor the project team and ensure that the team has carried out its duties and responsibilities and met project targets Evaluate project performance Make a project management plan Reporting to leaders and stakeholders regarding project status and project details Make a project risk mitigation plan that can hinder the project's progress


  • Harap selalu berhati-hati terhadap segala bentuk tindak penipuan.
  • Selalu hindari lowongan kerja yang memungut biaya saat proses rekrutmen, karena sejatinya mencari kerja adalah upaya untuk mencari dan mendapatkan upah, bukan untuk dipunguti upah.
  • Befwork selalu berusaha membantu untuk memilah dan memfilter informasi lowongan kerja yang dipublikasi. Tetapi, alangkah baiknya apabila diimbangi oleh wawasan yang lebih baik juga dari para Befseeker.

2023. All rights reserved.